Aspect Ratio? ( _ ) ( __ ) (___)
Hi there! (^.^v)
How about introducing options to resize a played video file?
And if possible, especially in the beginning: to set this option permanently?
Maybe in the future, if intended/desired: edit aspect ratio for each file in, let's say, a folder f.ex.
(imagine e.g. preparing a presentation consisting of each files trying to avoid black borders around the visible part)I'd love to see this feature introduced. That's why I got myself Premium. (^_~)b
Would you?And btw: Thanks for being the first to have introduced a comfortable (it could be more comfortable, don't worry!) way to play a PC's/Mac's video file on a Chromecast device!
(if I just wouldn't have to use a 2nd smartphone app to steer my PC............)Keep up the great job, guys! It'll be pretty worth. (^.~d)